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    Reduce and reuse for an eco-friendly office!

    Starting an eco-friendly journey can feel quite overwhelming; between plastic free, low waste, sustainable, regenerative, reuse-this, recycle-that, it can all feel a bit much.

    We’re here to tell you, it’s all about just starting. Everyone is at a different stage in their planet-saving journey, and any change makes a positive difference!

    In the Loving Earth office we’ve opened up the discussion on creating a more eco-friendly environment, slowly changing our daily habits to implement more Earth-friendly ones.

    Here’s what we’re doing differently:


    Use what you already have! We’ve been utilising what was already around the office to give it a second life, such as spare cardboard boxes, scrap paper, old shopping bags, and jars (hello plant propagation!).

    Soft Plastic Recycling

    The team at RedCycle make it super easy to recycle your soft plastic these days, with big bins at the front of most Coles and Woolworths stores. All you have to do is collect soft plastic items, and drop it off!

    In the Loving Earth kitchen, we have a dedicated area to drop off soft plastic items after being used. These include items such as cereal liners, bread bags, plastic bags and more.

    So everyone is on the same page, Redcycle have created free downloadable ‘what to recycle’ posters!

    Dish Care and Air Care Recycling

    What happens to the dish care and air care products after you’ve finished using them to clean the kitchen and bathroom? TerraCycle have a free program to safely and properly recycle all dish care and air care products. Dedicate a (reused) box to collect all of these items, with clear signs, in the kitchen or bathroom!

    Cleaning products

    Purchase in bulk (to limit excess delivery packaging) and through an eco-friendly natural brand, such as Abode!

     Printer Cartridge Recycling

    Did you know, when printer cartridges break apart in landfill, they have the potential to contaminate groundwater and the environment? Recycle your used printer cartridges in a safe manner by collecting them, then taking to a drop off location, such as Officeworks.

    Clear Signs + Eye-Catching Infographics + Information Sheets

    In the kitchens and bathrooms you’ll notice signs, infographics and information sheets targeting general waste, recycling, and any specific recycling programs. These are commonly available online via organisations such as RedCycle, TerraCycle, or your local council.

    Start the Discussion

    Above all else, start the conversation with your fellow colleagues!

    Making any changes around the office? Send out an email.

    Want to cut down your car’s air pollution? Carpool, ride a bike, or take public transport.

    Invite colleagues to participate in challenges and events, such as Plastic Free July, Walk to Work Day, or tree planting days!

    Eco-friendly Coffee

    With nearly half of the Australian population drinking coffee, we thought it important to drink the right coffee in the right way.

    Have a coffee machine at work? Try purchasing coffee via brands such as Jasper and PodCo, they’re setting the tone for eco-friendly, compostable packaging and products!

    Going on a coffee run? Don’t forgot the keep cups! Keep cups are not only a great way to reduce waste, they can be used to store any other drink, and are a beautiful way to express your style (and not have your coffee mixed up with a colleague’s latte!). We particularly love Pottery for the Planet.

    Let’s talk toilet paper

    While it’s not the most riveting of eco-friendly changes, Who Gives A Crap somehow make it fun! They not only have stylish packaging to brighten up the bathrooms (and not to mention some funky paper towels and tissue boxes), use 100% recycle toilet paper, give back by donating 50% of their profits to help build toilets for those in need, but they’re also on a mission to go plastic free.

    What are some positive changes you’re making to your work or home life to impact the planet? We’d love to hear!

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