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    Vote with your Dollar – How to buy consciously

    We’re always on the lookout for how we can contribute to making the world a better place, and one of the most powerful ways we can do that on a day-to-day basis is how we spend our hard-earned money.

    We’ve taken a look at some of the ways that help us buy more consciously and shared some brands that make everyday purchases go beyond just the product.


    Do your research
    A little time spent looking into some of your favourite brands could reveal some inconvenient truths, however, knowledge is power. There are always some good alternatives for most products, and if money is an issue look at buying in bulk with friends, or if it’s clothes/household items, look on gumtree or eBay, or see if you have a local trade/swap/share hub.

    Ask around
    Don’t be shy in asking people how or where they purchased an item. It may be a new brand that’s just starting out that you could get behind. Try to think outside the box of your local area and take trips to farmers markets or fares further afield and support small and local businesses.

    Look for certification…or not
    Do some research on brands that support the environment, workers’ rights, and have made commitments to reduce their impact as a business. Not all small businesses can afford to be certified but if you’re asking questions, you’ll be able to use your judgement on who is doing good. If you are looking for certifying bodies, organic, fair trade, or B Corp are some of the most recognisable that are at a high standard.

    Plan ahead
    It takes a little extra time planning and prepping, however if you have a plan it can save you time in the long run. When you head to the shops, write a list before you leave and only buy what’s on the list. Reducing and refusing are two of the best ways to minimise buying excess and planning ahead means you don’t rely on reaching for the convenient option.


    Brands for Good

    Dr Bronner’s

    This family run business has always been on the leading edge since the 1960’s. Currently they are forging the way for a new certification of Regenerative Organic.


    The Source Bulk Foods

    Buying in bulk is a win-win. Cutting down on packaging and buying only what you need! Say hello to the simplest form of going zero waste.


    Who Gives A Crap

    Not only toilet paper, kitchen roll, and tissues, the team behind WGAC has been donating 50% of profits to help build toilets since it began in 2012.



    No-nasty laundry detergent. And better yet, returnable packaging for them to use again!


    Earthy Mama

    Subscription veggie boxes can be a little hit and miss with getting fruit and veg that you actually eat. Earthy mama lets you swap two options every purchase so you know you’re using everything up. Plus it's run by a local Melbourne mum! Check out the Earthy Mamma Insta for great updates!

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