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    Spring Recipes Part 1.

    Jo's All allergy-friendly Tart

    This winner of a tart is all allergy-friendly – gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan, and it still tastes delicious!




    • 1 can coconut cream
    • 1 tsp arrowroot powder
    • 2 tbsp maple syrup/rice syrup
    • 1 punnet blueberries


    Step 1: Combine Buckinis, coconut chips and puffed rice in a bowl and mix.

    Step 2: Melt chocolate in a separate bowl slowly over a bain-marie or 20 sec intervals in microwave.

    Step 3: Stir in melted chocolate, melted coconut oil and maple syrup to the Buckini mixture

    Step 4: Once well combined, spread mixture into the bottom of a greased tart tin. You can blend this mixture for a finer texture base.

    Step 5: Drain off the coconut water from the coconut cream can, leaving the thick coconut cream.

    Step 6: In a blender, combine coconut cream, arrowroot powder, maple syrup and blueberries, saving a few for decoration.

    Step 7: Blend until you get a cream-like consistency, spoon mixture onto base and spread evenly.

    Step 8: Decorate with the reserved blueberries

    Step 9: Refrigerate for 2 hours

    Step 10: Serve and enjoy!

    Makes 1 tart (approx. 8 serves)

    DIY Trail Mix

    A great grab and go snack for when you’re caught short in between meals. Perfect for post work out.



    Step 1: Mix all ingredients in a bowl

    Step 2: Portion out into 4 portions

    Step 3: Enjoy when hungry!

    Makes 4 serves

    Paleo Granola

    This recipe is adapted from I Quit Sugar a great breakfast topper, or satisfying on-the-go snack.

    (image credit: Chocolate and Zucchini)



    Step 1: Preheat oven to 120 °C and line a baking tray with baking paper.

    Step 2: Combine all ingredients and spread evenly on the tray.

    Step 3: Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden, turning half way through cooking time.

    Step 4: Remove from oven and allow to cool; eat whilst ­­crispy.

    Makes 5 cups.

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