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    Featured Foodies

    Featured Foodies - Raw-Lishious, Tori Fleuren

    What are your ‘non-negotiables’ when it comes to diet & lifestyle?

    I am a huge advocate for Fresh Local Produce. (Support your local!). Rain, hail, or shine, you will find me at the farmers market buying my fruit and veg for the week.

    When & how did you first begin cooking?

    I can’t help but laugh when people ask me this.. I really can’t remember!
    I began working at my local organic store at sixteen. I suddenly found myself with all these new ingredients that weren’t going to cook themselves!


    Buckini-Breakfast-Sandwiches_banner{image - Frozen Buckinis Breakfast Sandwiches}


    When did you realise how much you loved it?

    Instantly! Cooking is like therapy to me.. I could be baking all day for work then ill wind down by cooking dinner for my family.


    Red-Velvet-Cake_banner2{image - Dark Choc + Raspberry Beet Velvet Cake}


    What inspired you to start doing what you do? How has your brand developed and what have been some milestones for you?

    Health, I struggled with series of digestion + skin conditions when I was younger.. so I guess going through that and experiencing first-hand how the body can heal and thrive off REAL food.
    I am a freelance caterer, it’s been a slow building process but am now approached weekly for events, special occasions and personal orders :p

    Milestone would be catering my first Weeding cake.. to be chosen to cater someone’s Wedding day! Such an amazing moment.


    Caramel-Tim-Tams_banner{image - Caramel Tim Tams}


    What do you love about living in Wollongong? Are there any restaurants, cafes, stores you visit for inspiration?

    I love Wollongong, but if I’m ever after a good feed or inspiration my sister and I head to Sydney for the day. Fav places would be Henleys Wholefoods and then Pana Chocolate to pick up a treat for the ride home.


    Chunky-Monkey-Ice-Cream_banner{image - Chunky Monkey Ice Cream}


    When did you first become aware of Loving Earth?

    When I was sixteen working at my local health food store! My co worker and I were so excited about the new products we cracked a chocolate bar before they hit the shelves! It was love at first bite..

    Chocolate Mousse{image - Incan Berry + Dark Chocolate Mousse}


    What's your favourite way to use our foods?

    Garnishing my raw cakes! The chocolate bars + Buckinis are my go-to’s.


    Salted-Caramel-Tarts_banner{image - Dark & Salty Caramel Thyme Tarts}

    For more foodie inspiration check out Tori's Instagram!

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