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    Re-inspire Your Yoga Practice: Tips For Staying And Getting Back On The Mat

    Starting a yoga practice is a lot like entering into a marriage; you’re in for the long haul and it requires commitment, dedication, and love to stop it from going stale or even off the rails! You’ll have weeks and months where everything’s sailing along smoothly, and other periods where it’ll be more than a little rocky, you’ll feel like you’ve hit a physical or mental roadblock and wonder whether it's worth all the effort.

    In my 15 years of practice I’ve come to understand that this is all part and parcel of the journey, and that we need to be realistic, particularly regarding our own expectations. Our sense of progression along the yogic path won’t always appear linear and straightforward; in those moments where you feel like the inspiration and passion are waning, it’s useful to have a few tools to help you reignite the flame.


    Remind yourself of your intention.

    This is at the heart of why we choose to step onto the mat every day. Why do you practice yoga? What do you hope to cultivate in your life through regular practice? Being very clear about your intentions and motivations is an extremely powerful and important factor in helping you make your practice a priority. Your intention will change many times, some days it’ll be purely physical, other days it may be more tied to where you are in your life, or some mental aspect of your health. Take time at the beginning of your practice to understand and clarify your intention.

    Commit to trying a new challenging pose every few weeks.

    I think its very important for everyone to have personal yoga ‘projects’ that keep you challenged, motivated and inspired. Some poses can look especially intimidating from the outset but remember every pose begins somewhere, and even the most challenging postures often have accessible beginning steps. Often it’s our negative mindsets that stop us before we’ve even tried, so stay open-minded, practice logically step-by-step and embrace the overall journey. Remember if you want to learn a pose, nothing substitutes for the three P’s – practice, patience and persistence, so try it out, use building blocks and eventually you will own it.

    Take a class with a different teacher or try a different style.

    It’s normal to gravitate towards certain teachers and styles but it can be very enlightening to try other something new from time to time. Teaching yoga is such a uniquely, personal experience and everybody has something different to offer – you will learn interesting, unique ways of looking at your practice and this helps to keep things fresh and inspired. We are also fortunate these days to have access to a myriad of different styles, and it can be a great way to mix things up and get out of any yoga-ruts. For example, if you always practice Ashtanga or vinyasa, try yin or restorative for a change of pace and to access a different experience of your body.

    Living in the moment.

    As seasoned practitioners it’s very easy to make your practice just another item on your to-do list to check off. It’s also very easy to do a whole practice physically whilst you’ve mentally checked out. One of the biggest aims of our practice is to learn how to be more present for ourselves so that we get to really enjoy and live the moment that is presented to us, right here, right now. When you step onto your mat resolve to be here and commit fully to whatever shows up, whether good, bad, beautiful or ugly, Your mat then becomes your little sanctuary away from the world - practicing this will deepen your appreciation for your practice immensely.   

    Making time for your practice.

    One of the biggest steps we can make to deepen our practice is through committing to a regular home practice. We all lead busy lives but when we’re ready to make yoga a life priority the question becomes not ‘shall I practice’, but ‘when shall I practice?’ It may not always be possible to get to the studio, but there’s nothing stopping us from getting up a little earlier in the morning and rolling our mat out at home. Start with some basic stretches, chuck in a few sun salutes and watch your practice become an invaluable part of your daily routine. There are also some great online yoga classes out there to give you more structure and guidance if you’re a little tentative about practicing solo.


    Hom Yoga Sydney

    Hom was created to enable everyone to be able to practice yoga in the most clear and inspired way. 

    We embrace all forms of practice in our unique and contemporary style. This is practiced in our specially designed studios in a hot environment.

    To achieve this, our teachers come from a broad range of yoga disciplines. Our classes are designed and presented in the clearest, most accessible way to cater to all levels of experience.

    Hom is renown for the design of all our studios and the high level of service from our welcome staff and facilities to our specialized teaching team.

    It is our belief that everyone should have a deep and uplifting experience each time they visit; and leave feeling light, confident, and inspired.

    Hom continues to expand and grow and explore ways to deepen everyone’s experience of this unique form of yoga.

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