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    Eating Consciously: Food Diary Report #3

    Tuesday I wake up feeling fresh and begin with a cup of tea and a bowl of buckinis and rice milk with maqui and gubinge powder. A very busy day of work leaves me feeling stressed, though resisting the urge towards coffee I nevertheless avoid feeling frustrated and irritated. By evening I can’t wait for training, with a particularly full-on session leaving me with a bruised thigh and feet. I’ve started using maca powder as a supplement due to its high protein content, adding 3-5 teaspoons to my water bottle for training. It’s having the added bonus of leaving me feeling particularly frisky… A pasta-bake with cheese and breadcrumbs for dinner and I feel great.


    I wake up feeling perfect for Wednesday and have what’s fast becoming my breakfast of choice: buckinis w/ additions, plus a cup of tea. After a busy day of work and pasta-bake leftovers for lunch I feel like I really need a good workout, though I’m worried I’ll strain my muscles too much…I’m out of shape and it’ll be a little while before I can do it every day without injuring myself. Nevertheless I decide to go for it and it’s a good session, after which I feel great. With so much exercise I decide I need to up my protein intake and stop by the markets on the way home, so it’s a delicious fish curry w/ rice for dinner and I’m feeling really good.


    Thursday morning I feel really bright and awake. My body aches from training and I decide I better take a break from it today. After a cup of tea and a green smoothie I get down to proper work. I’m still feeling restless, but again, not irritated in the same way I’ve been feeling over the past few weeks. I resist getting a meatpie - barely - and instead have a half-packet of kale chips and a fried tofu salad sandwich to satisfy my protein cravings. It’s not enough…quinoa salad w/ mock duck and avocado for dinner means I have enough energy for a late band practice which goes on past midnight.


    Friday and it’s the usual for breakfast, and I’m feeling productive and energetic. With a green smoothie for lunch and curry leftovers a bit later, I’m really looking forward to training extra hard tonight since the day off gave my body a good rest.


    After almost a month I feel like I’ve already come to some important conclusions. Lighter food means that I have a brighter mood and more energy. More energy makes me more productive, but also more restless. Being restless and energetic means I need regular training and exercise, which is making me feel better in my body and wake up easily without caffeine. Caffeine’s making me frustrated and short-tempered when I’m feeling the typical pressures of everyday city life. I think I’m going to start regarding coffee as a special treat, only for the times when I really particularly want it. And my favourite vice of all, alcohol, seems to be well-tempered with a healthier diet and higher fitness level.


    Overall, I feel a completely different person to a month ago...this is revolutionary! So much more energy…and since I’m getting married on Friday and still have tons to do, I’m going to need it!

    READ NEXT: Eating Consciously: The Food Diary Round-Up

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