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    • Winter Depression - 5 Ways To Avoid SAD

      As winter draws in it’s harder and harder to get up in the mornings, a strong contrast to the bright summer months when the sun wakes us with a smile. Dragging yourself out of bed in the dark when it’s cold outside and there’s little chance of seeing the sun can be difficult, especially as the colder wetter months encourage us to overindulge in food and alcohol while staying inside more and exercising less. So now that winter’s well and truly here, what can we do about it?
    • Loving Earth’s Food Diary – New Horizons

      Over two months have passed since we started our Food Diary Project and the results are in: it’s pretty much life-changing. The concept is simple; you buy yourself a blank diary and write down what you ate and how you feel three times a day. It’ll take you two minutes. When you feel a certain mood on a certain day, look back at what you ate a day or two before. The results speak for themselves.
    • Eating Consciously: The Food Diary Round-Up

      This week marks the end of the Food Diary experiment that we began back in October with our Listening To Your Body: Engaging With Food In A Conscious Way article. Those of you following our Food Is Sacred series will have seen the reports that we’ve been posting from my food diary on our blog over the past month; here’s a summary of the results.
    • Alternative Sweeteners 101

      There’s been a lot of attention in the media lately on the topic of obesity and health with over a million Australians currently affected by diabetes. A fantastic article by Paul Zimmet and Philip James published in 2006 in The Medical Journal of Australia outlines some solutions which could be undertaken on a policy level, though the unfortunate fact is that the situation has continued to worsen over the past five years. It’s all well and good to lobby politicians and discuss solutions, but what we at Loving Earth are interested in is what can we do about ourselves?
    • Listening To Your Body: Engaging with Food in a Conscious Way

      Last week we took a step back to engage with the concept of food as sacred, examining traditions from the ancient age right up to modern times. This week we’re taking a step forward: we’re demonstrating how you can apply these concepts to your life in a very real way, with a simple process that puts you in control. This may be the most important feature in our Food Is Sacred series…it really gets to the core of what we feel Loving Earth is all about. 
    • Revealing The Magic of Chocolate - Part IV: The Alchemy

      Making chocolate is a sort of alchemy. It's a very fickle medium to work with and people spend their entire lives experimenting with it, always discovering new things... The modern method of making chocolate revolves around synergy: the synergy between the Cacao and the sweetener. At Loving Earth we make our chocolate by hand-mixing the unique ingredients together and infusing them with our own heart energy and powerful ancient superfoods. This is where the magic really happens... 

    Showing 25-30 of 71 posts

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